Monday, April 13, 2009

Too Busy To Listen?

Among the shifting things which make up the world of common experience, it is comforting to hold on to something which does not change for that feeling of assurance and stability. But like a mirage, it eludes and gives us up to the vicissitudes of life and we take solace to a listening ear. Unfortunately, no one is listening these days.

As a result, many of up are passing through agonizing moments of untold stories, bottled up sorrows and unshared experiences of joy. People who sought in vain to be listened to or betrayed by those they opened their hearts to often withdraw into their shell and shorn the society. And like casualties, they stay lonely but insanely move in all direction and in no direction while constantly confronted with a crowd that professes love that has lost its meaning. It is sad.

Shutting up sometimes about yourself and giving a LISTENING ear to someone else could save a lot of souls from madness, self destruction and asylum.


Miz Arkitect said...

A person with sorrow and a lot of untold stories with no one to share is a ticking time bomb. Its sad we all too busy to eva be there for each other.
"Shutting up sometimes about yourself and giving a LISTENING ear to someone else could save a lot of souls from madness, self destruction and asylum." thats soo true and i think you right, the world now should be SHUTTING UP!!! its way past being polite and saying lend a listening ear, now, people need to just get over them selves and listen to someone else for a change.
nicely written!!!...
nice read.

Remi, United Kingdom said...

True words... :-)))

Anonymous said...

sometimes....I am too busy to listen. There is always something for me to listen to and I just wont listen. My body, my friends, my children,....and even my significant. But I got too many things to do to listen. I will take this as a lesson and try to listen to things in my surrounding more.

* Never too busy to hear you out...thanks again bro...nice!

Emeka Amakeze said...

@The Paradigm
"A person with sorrow and a lot of untold stories with no one to share is a ticking time bomb". So true

@Remi, United Kingdom
Thanks dear.

"I will take this as a lesson and try to listen to things in my surrounding more". Nice decision.

JustDB said...

well said man.. guess the only danger is the danger of getting cluttered with too much listening i think, considering we all have fintie abilities, and people issues will typically be open ended.. Listening does help tho.. that i agree with..

Kémi Penélopê said...

Munwa fukwara gi n'anya... with the love of God...
Thanks for stopping by

Spesh said...

It really is sad indeed.
Gr8 post.

Unknown said...

These are my thoughts in print!

You couldn't have said it better.

Emeka Amakeze said...

@Just DB
When we all give a little time to listening to others, we would know what it gives. I believe that our finite abilities is of the mind since we were created by a God of infinite possibilities.

@Kemi Penelope
Thank you, nwa m furu n'anya.

@My World
Thank you very much.

Call it telepathy. Thanks my man

Syed said...

Beautiful words. I think we all need to listen to others once in a while, it is amazing how powerful it can be, when someone listens when really needed.

Allison said...

So often it's so much easier to just talk about yourself than to actually listen to something that someone else is going through...there's that old saying that we have two ears and one mouth of a reason - we should be listening twice as much as we speak.

This was a lovely post :) And thanks for your comment on my blog!

Eddie said...
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Eddie said...

Great articulation of emotions my friend. Listening to someone who might want to divulge their personal sorrow can be a therapeutic gift when they're in need of an ear.

Reading this helped me to remind my soul where the true route in life is. It's easy to get dismayed in a bustling city like NY where the masses walk the streets like drones on a mission. I try not to step over the lone flower...

Peace bro...

Angel said...

Well said!

Sometimes we need to take a step back.

Geebee said...

I strongly agree. Sometimes what we need in life might not rally be money, position or whatever.It just might be a listening ear. Someone to listen to you and share your joy and pains but like you noted, unfortunately these days everyone seems to be talking at the same time and no one wants to do the listening. It’s worth it sparing a minute to feel the pains of that guy standing by. You just might have the answer to that problem he has but how do you provide that answer when you do not even listen to know what that problem is.

Beauty Mutyora said...

well said Emeka, there's a lot of heart ache out there but then again bitterness will hurt you more if you don't talk about it or forgive.:)))

Beauty Mutyora said...

Well said sir, bitterness hurts the person who's carrying it the talk about it but know who to tell!!!


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