Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Saturday, May 2, 2020

I Heard

I have been searching for another like you
But those words never cease to haunt me
One day you will wake up and not find me
You said those with tears in your eyes

They didn’t mean much to my uncaring soul
But with the grief of a child, I now remember
I have wished for nothing else but what we had
But I heard you are now happily married

I never knew there weren’t two of you out there
Reaching out for you in others is now a mirage
How can I forget your tears when you said to me
“I love you but you are hurting me”

Now I wish I could even say that to you
As long as I have you in my life
But sadly, I heard you’re now happily married
You gave me your all and I gave you nothing

I now know it hurts not to be in love with you
Just like others before her, she’s nothing like you
I heard you are now very happy but I cry
A river of my tears flood the pillow we shared

How much pain did I cause you? I miserably ask myself
Where was my selfish heart when tiny drops of hurt tears
Ran a river down your heart and your love sailed away
I heard he makes you very happy
Sitting at a corner staring at the pieces of my heart
Broken by those I thought were sexier than you
My pride is gone but heartache keeps me company
I am sad but I heard your laughter now rings out

Can’t believe I sacrificed all you had for me
On the alien altar of uncertain scarlet women
And now I am paying for my waywardness
I just woke up and realized that you’re gone

I heard you are now happy

Emeka Amakeze

Friday, April 24, 2020

She Died

She leaned on my shoulders and never woke up again

Her hot tears scalded me as they streamed down my back

Lifelessly she hung by me and nobody else felt her pulse

Couldn’t see her lips move but felt she had a bit to say

They argued and agreed she was as dead as a door nail
I am here now and you can talk to me I whispered to her

Her pains, fears and heartbreak took shapes before me

Fought back my tears as my heart melted to her ordeals

Urged her to agree with them that she was totally dead

Lost to the world of everything else but the two of us

Tiny warmth, strength of a woman within her heart

Fanned into unquenchable embers of affectionate flames

By the words I sang into her ears and rubbed into her skin
I told her she didn’t need to worry her pretty head off

She raised her head, looked me in the eyes and smiled at me

I smiled, she smiled, we smiled and our hearts glowed

And her feelings and soul died to all that hurt her in the past

Held her tenderly yet with arms so firm like no other

My strength and aura were the assurances she needed

Kissed her and promised her that everything is alright

She never woke up to the fears that brought her to me

Emeka Amakeze

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Line Of Sight

Despite all our efforts, they still want us to disunite

Our blood is their delight as my country  they blight

Bringing fight unwanted to force us to take to flight

Unusual fright is in the land but there is none to indict

No light to brighten our paths for none there is the knight

The peace promised is but a sleight of hand in our sight

For our plight is to vote that our wealth be their right

Deafening disquiet of a once powerful home-land in delight

The height of their insensitivity pushes us to self-ignite

Our collective might as a people no more gives us respite

Not with morale as tight as wood eaten inside by termite

I recite our anthem and I realise that nothing is now alright

Our name is bigger than Elephant but we're cowered like ant

Is this the rite of passage for this giant of Africa spite?

Smite this evil in our land that we shall once again be great

But how could this ever be if you and I don’t make it right

Friday, January 6, 2017

Your Happiness My Sadness

I’ve been searching for another like you

But those words never cease to haunt me

One day you will wake up and not find me

You said those with tears in your eyes

They didn’t mean much to my uncaring soul

But with the grief of a child, I now remember

I’ve wished for nothing else but what we had

But I heard you are now happily married

I never knew there weren’t two of you out there

Reaching out for you in others is a mirage

I remember you say tearfully

“I love you but you are hurting me”

How I wish I could even say that to you

As long as I have you in my life

But sadly, I heard you’re now happily married

You gave me your all and I gave you nothing

I know now it hurts not to be in love with you

Just like others before her, she’s nothing like you

I heard you are now happy

Squeezing out a river of your tears from the pillow we shared

How much pain did I cause you? I miserably ask myself

Where was my selfish heart when tiny drops of hurt tears

Ran a river down your heart and your love sailed away

I heard he makes you very happy

Sitting at a corner staring at the pieces of my heart

Broken by those I thought were sexier than you

My pride is gone but heartache keeps me company

I am sad but I heard your laughter now rings out

Can’t believe I sacrificed all you had for me

On the alien altar of uncertain scarlet women

And now I am paying for my waywardness

I just woke up and realized that you’re gone

 Emeka Amakeze

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I Have Something To Say

You’re the fairest of them all and they never cease to be awed as they laud and applaud the handiwork of God and none ever jawed you my love. Your beauty is not flawed because you’re not a fraud. I will fight and claw to make your path broad.

Because I’m your knight that always comes to your fight. You make me recite how much skin-tight my love fits to your heart. I will hold you through the night till our spirits are truly light with the delight we know how well to excite.

A dearest friend you've been and you alone I will always send. I will bend even to break just to make amend to blend in your life my love. They can’t comprehend how much I depend on your trend because you don’t pretend.

How long has it really been since my soul desires to be seen by you. I will trek even to Berlin to feel you addict me like caffeine because I’ve truly missed you and your Africa cuisine. I’m keen not to allow anybody come in between us.

I’m so proud you’re well-endowed and you give me the happiness of a crowd, you make me scream aloud when you exude that appeal that puts me in the mood and I make you reach for the cloud. Your love feels like food to my soul.

You’re aware I value you more than air because you’ve shown me how much you care by making me an heir and I feel like a billionaire in this love affair. I swear nobody out there will dare to compare with you my rare luminaire.

Never met any that’s half the woman you are and as I quaff of your love and because you’re not a diamond in the rough, you make me feel like a chief among my peers. You make me laugh even when times are tough and make me call bluff of those who think I should‘ve had enough.

Assuaging my fear with each passing year, you’ve made me appear drunk without a drop of beer and fearless like a brigadier. I will commandeer whatever you find so dear and make all your worries disappear and veer you away from every wear and tear.

I’m not in contest for your love because you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. You’re my crest of affection and my chest can’t contain all your zest even if compressed. I’m blessed you’re mine and will stay away from all that you detest.

I will always have something to say about the way you make me sway and Cupid will first betray love before I delay to tell you how much I love you from day to day. I will whisk you to fantasy land straight away and never allow you to stray.

I still have something more to say my love

an Emeka Amakeze poetic expression.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

She Died

She leaned on my shoulders and never woke up again

Her hot tears scalded me as they streamed down my back

Lifelessly she hung by me and nobody else felt her pulse

Couldn’t see her lips move but felt she had a bit to say

They argued and agreed she was as dead as a door nail

I am here now and you can talk to me I whispered to her

Her pains, fears and heartbreak took shapes before me

Fought back my tears as my heart melted to her ordeals

Urged her to agree with them that she was totally dead

Lost to the world of everything else but the two of us

Tiny warmth, strength of a woman within her heart

Fanned into unquenchable embers of affectionate flames

By the words I sang into her ears and rubbed into her skin

I told her she didn’t need to worry her pretty head off

She raised her head, looked me in the eyes and smiled at me

I smiled, she smiled, we smiled and our hearts glowed

And her feelings and soul died to all that hurt her in the past

Held her tenderly yet with arms so firm like no other

My strength and aura were the assurances she needed

Kissed her and promised her that everything is alright

And she never woke up to the fears that brought her to me

an Emeka Amakeze poetic expression.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

13th Wedding Anniversary

We've been rocking this for 13 years and still counting...


You're aware I value you more than air because you've shown me how much you care by making me an heir and I feel like a billionaire in this love affair. I swear nobody out there will dare compare with you my rare luminaire.

Onyie, thank you for these 13 years!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Love Nwantinti


I have found my happiness in you. Nothing compares to the peace you give me. You've always stood by me; through thick and thin. My heart will always go out to you.

This is just to let you know that everyday and in every way, i love you more and more.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Too Busy To Listen?

Among the shifting things which make up the world of common experience, it is comforting to hold on to something which does not change for that feeling of assurance and stability. But like a mirage, it eludes and gives us up to the vicissitudes of life and we take solace to a listening ear. Unfortunately, no one is listening these days.

As a result, many of up are passing through agonizing moments of untold stories, bottled up sorrows and unshared experiences of joy. People who sought in vain to be listened to or betrayed by those they opened their hearts to often withdraw into their shell and shorn the society. And like casualties, they stay lonely but insanely move in all direction and in no direction while constantly confronted with a crowd that professes love that has lost its meaning. It is sad.

Shutting up sometimes about yourself and giving a LISTENING ear to someone else could save a lot of souls from madness, self destruction and asylum.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Love Is

In our limitations as humans, love has had varied meanings or holds diverse definitions for different people and as such, what a loved one may offer us as love may not quite feel like what we know as love. But how could this greatest gift and luxury ever given to man hold as diverse meanings to him as we see today.

Love is love and has neither degrees nor shades. If it’s not love, then it’s not love. It is believed that God is love and since he created man in his own image and likeness, man therefore is, essentially love. He desires to be loved and cannot function properly without love. Even those that don’t believe in it do so out of fear of a previous experience or one that is witnessed

In our quest to get the purest of the essence of love and make it different from that which we already know, we fashion out those soothing words we often hear such as “unconditional love”, “perfect love”, “true love”, “real love”. All, in an attempt to define that special feeling that we yearn and always search desperately for!

We are however, our own obstacles to understanding love because any time we think about love, what first comes to mind is how that man is going to take care of me or how that girl is going to submit to me in bed. In all the fancy names we call love, our thoughts are always in the direction of what to get out of a relationship, and conveniently forget that love contends the soul and makes it ready to give instead of seeking to be given. To be in love is to place ones personal needs and wants after that of the beloved one without complaining and without expecting any remunerations and to be fully involved in the fulfillment of the self interest of the loved one.

The best person to write a manual for a gadget is the maker of such a gadget and since God is love, we should look up to Him for the meaning of love. Until we look up to our maker for a clear understanding of what love is, we will desperately continue to seek that which we vaguely understand from each individuals experience.

Love your neighbour even as Christ loved his church. He died for his church. Has this any place in your definition of love?

In the long and winding journey of life, when infatuation, beauty, sex, wealth and other such details that influence our definitions of love slowly vapourize and it dawns on us that we do not have that commitment and understanding that only love can give in a relationship, we withdraw into our shells and lick our wounds of heartbreaks and then, try to convince ourselves that we don’t believe in love. It is only in love and after love has grown in our hearts that we see and experience physical attraction, desire for marriage partners and friendship that can boast of commitment and understanding.

And God did say what love is and it goes thus

If i speak with the languages of men and of angels, but don’t have love, i have become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

If i have the gift of prophesy and know all the mysteries and knowledge; and if i have faith, so as to move mountains but don’t have love, i am nothing.

If i dole out all my goods to feed the poor and if i give my body to be burned but don’t have love, it profits me nothing

Love is kind and is patient

Love doesn’t envy

Love doesn’t brag

Love is not proud

Love doesn’t behave itself inappropriately

Love doesn’t seek its own way and is not provoked

Love takes no account of evil and doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness

It rejoices with the truth, bears all things, believes all things

Love hopes all things, endures all things

Love never fails

That is what love is.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

What Is Love?

When you hear the word love, do you smile or do you scoff? Have you ever personally speculated on or did a personal philosophy on love? If you were asked to define love, would you go to the dictionary for a guide, another person or have you got sufficient personal experience to define love from your own worldview?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hanging Out In Blogsville

Emeka Amakeze: Alright people, before we commence, do sit back, relax and enjoy this football match.

NollywoodForever: Come on Emeka! We didn’t come here to watch a football match. If we must while away a little time, it must be a quality time with some good Nollywood films.

Shalewa: I really don’t understand this craze for football.

Queen Of My Castle: What’s wrong with football guys? It’s one of my passions.

NikkiSab: What about some music? I love music. And what about giving ourselves a treat with some quality food?

Darius T. Williams: Did i hear someone say food? I’m going to the kitchen and i’m gonna throw some exotic things together and i’m making it a buffet.

Temite: Don’t even think about it Darius if you are not going to make some Nigerian dishes.

Afronuts: Whatever you guys are doing, just make sure you do it right.

Vera Ezimora: Is anybody here the result of a broken condom?

Tommeh: Can you rephrase that question please?

L G: Vera! No be small thing o.

Super Woman: It’s only gossip. Well, with a side order of sarcasm.

Buttercup: I’m not from a broken condom but i’m different.

Biodun Kosumu: How can you ask such a question Vera? Was that how you were nurtured as a child in Russia?

Bumight: Can’t we just have a good conversation here and get to know each other better?

N.i.m.m.o: Wise or otherwise?

Jaycee: Like talking about my metamorphosis in my journey as a child of God?

Vera Ikeji: I’m with Jaycee. My strict catholic home upbringing agrees with what he’s just said.

AlooFar: Jaycee’s journey? I hope he has a map for all that Gulliver like metamorphosis?

Exschoolnerd: Please, please people! I came here to find some happiness and that is exactly what i intend to do before i’m misunderstood as being too complicated.

Fantasy Queen: While Darius T is still at it, can someone please serve the coffee and oreos?

Original Mgbeke: I’ve watched you guys enough! Can we talk about shoes please?

OluwaDee: Oh my God! Please Lord, give me the strength to face this.

Miss Definitely May Be: This place is definitely turning into a melting pot of crazy friends and i would be pathetic if i were your mummy.

Undacovasista: I’m not a crazy friend. I am just me and i’m learning to love and accept me for who i am. No apologies to anyone.

Ilochi Olisaemeka: As a gentleman, i accept the right of originality of everyone to be what they want to be; a critic, activist, anything.

DsCr?Be: In that case, i am peculiar!

For The Love Of Me: And i want to live life to the fullest.

Afrobabe: I hunger for something i cannot grasp.

Princesa: I’m intelligent, attractive, lovely, homely, talented…

Ostar Amakking Jnr: This is too much! Jesus! Let my eyes be shut from darkness and my mind led into light.

Nwa Chi: Can all the children of God here shout Amen!
Deola: It’s going to be more than that because i’m going to make sure that God gets all that’s going to transpire here in writing.

Shona Vixen: Well, i still have to be classy and confident here and of course, i am sensual.

Ms Catwalq: And i’m romantic; complete and unabridged.

Nonso Okafor: Am i the only student here? By the way, did i tell you guys that i am extremely handsome?

SolomonSydelle: I’m being enlightened here because i’m absorbing all the knowledge and information i can here.

Sexxy Luv: Let me just keep things private for now guys because i don’t know which of my faces i’m gonna have to show.

Standtall: I have one to show you all and that’s the bomb that i am.

Ababoypart2: Your voices sure don’t sound 80s and i am getting bored.

Yankeenaijababe: I’m not going to be left out here. Listen up people! I am that pretty Nigerian girl, very easy going, loves listening and reading…

Salem: Excuse me Yankeenaijababe, i have a proposal to make here. Aphrodite, can i love you and read you poems?

Aphrodite: No way! I’m only searching for someone to take a ride in the clouds with.

Emeka Amakeze: Attention please! Before Darius T comes in with some of those mouth watering dishes, i want to make a toast to the only girl with a glass on blogsville. TOSHARENELLE!
Just a way to say thank you to you all for coming to my blog and for making me a part of you.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Classy Way Of Doing It

They come in different shapes and sizes. Did i mention that they also come in varied lovely colours? Oh yes they do and many people love them too. The problem is not about the above attributes but how it is done. I don’t think anybody will raise an eye brow how you do it in private but in public, that’s another kettle of fish.
Hold on people, before your minds start going to places i’ve not dreamt of, i am only talking about chewing gums. Is there any classy and acceptable way of doing or rather chewing them in private and in public?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Height Of Falling In Love

I once heard that if you are not ready to catch someone, don't allow him or her to fall in love with you. I have also heard people say how often they have fallen in and out of love. And I believe that you have also heard it several times and might have even experienced it one way or the other. There is no gainsaying the fact, nay we all have to agree that "falling" happens from a height and I am forced to ask, from what height does one "fall" in love?

Emeka Amakeze writes 

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Personality Development

A man is as good as his destiny, nay, his thoughts. Thus the heart of every matter settles in the heart. And in the life of a man, his health, his ability to relate well with others and his level of success are inextricably interwined with his personality - good or bad.

The personality of a man is a functional by-product of both some internal and external factors. He is internally affected by his thoughts, mental pictures, his mindset and imagination whereas externally, he is influenced by his physical environment - what he sees, hears or feels. Negatively or positively, he is affected by his society and the people he interacts with. But the development of certain traits and abilities would make us to be either loved or hated, liked or just tolerated by others.

A loathsome personality would most probably scare people away from a man and place him on the highway to perdition. In the same vein, a pleasant personality traits or behavioural patterns create an enabling environment for success, accomplishment, recognition, love and care.

If you are personable, you will be able to improve your circumstances, modify your situation and influence other people. Developing your personality positively is a sure way of distinguishing yourself from everyone else. This is done through conscious and sustained efforts, as personality traits do not evolve spontaneously.

Negative thoughts and actions produce bad feelings, depression and regrets but good thoughts and actions lead to joy and happiness. And it goes beyond that as people like to associate with easy-going and agreeable personalities even though they may not be personable themselves. Personable individuals appreciate every little positive effort made by others and more often than not, extol virtue generally in people.

Personable people are made, they are not born and you can be one.

Emeka Amakeze writes...

Children and Beer: For Laughs

"It is now an established fact that all human motive and action is due to beer; not merely among adults but also among children. The whole life of a child, of either sex is actuated by beer.

The first action of which a child is capable is a lusty yell; we have established that this is no less than a cry for beer, or at any rate for some kind of drink.

The next action of the child is to drink. If it does not drink beer it is because it's system is not yet capable of drinking beer. But behind the relish of milk is the desire for beer. These we call the primary instincts. The secondary instincts are to be found in the love of popping corks, of yellow-brown colours, of frothy substances like soap and so on.

The child calls his father Papa, which represents the popping of the cork, and his mother Mamma which gives the noise of the liquid being poured into a glass. All the gurgling noises of childhood go to prove the strength of the instinct...
Most of our knowledge is based upon dreams, which we have taken as the most reliable evidence scientifically possible.

We know, by means too elaborate to tell here, that even very young children dream about beer; nay, more, that they dream about nothing else. When a child dreams of a boat upon a lake, what is it but a symbol of beer? Of a shower of pain, a river, a sea? Everything yellow or brown is beer. Every thing frothy or sparkling is beer. Everything in something else is beer; a nut in its shell, for example, is obviously representative of beer in the bottle. Everything issuing from an aperture is beer Everything that moves is beer, particularly quick moving jerky things, which are reminiscent of "hops". In fact, we can say that the child cannot dream of anything but beer.

There is no dream possible but beer ."


One interesting stage in marriage is when the kids begin to arrive. The usual unending love and sultry texts and chats are gradually replace...