Showing posts with label manhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manhood. Show all posts

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Real Man

Providing a concise answer to my earlier question of what makes a real man is a big quest but one that is badly needed. Men have always defined their manhood by their roles; the function they perform for their families and society. But the fundamental nature, the essence of man can only be perceived from three perspectives- priority, position and assignment.

Man was not created first because he is better but because of his purpose. God wanted him to manifest his nature and to be responsible for all that he created and asked to take care of. Man came directly from the earth because he was designed to be a solid and dependable foundation of human family.

The man was not only designed to be the foundation but also the first to be positioned on earth and of course in the garden- a place of heaven on earth, a place of God’s continued presence and a place of training. A phenomenon God wanted him to replicate or spread all over the world.

And lastly, his assignment. The man is supposed to be a visionary and a leader, teacher, cultivator, provider and protector.

He is not supposed to look up to status and personal achievement as the measure of manhood but rather to look up to God’s standard.

To be a real man is to discover, understand and fulfil these basic aspects of purpose.


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