Showing posts with label Accident. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accident. Show all posts

Saturday, January 3, 2009

How Will Yours End?

This is just on the spur of the moment kind of thing and won't stop the concluding part of my earlier post "What Is Love?".
I just witnessed a near fatal accident, watched in horror as the vehicles skidded off the road and hitting anything in their path.
I thanked God for sparing the lives of the passengers even as the buses were mangled beyond recognition. As i'm home now recounting the number of ghastly motor accidents that happened last year's December, i wondered what it will be like to die in an accident? That is not my portion!

Come forth now o death
That you my assailant be put to shame
Your hands have no grip, your fangs shall not taste my blood
For from afar, you shall watch as stream of peace
Perfect peace flow like river thru my veins and across my nerves
And at the appointed time
My breath will still like mountain in winter and smoulders like mist in the morning sun
Then shall my soul be still in bliss in beholding beauty in the world of forms

That's how my life will end. How will yours end?


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