Faces are glowing, the excitement is in the air and no one wants to be left behind. That's what Valentine day does but take it or leave, by 15th, when the battle must have been lost and won, there would be the chosen at the peak of the mountain of the rejects. Some hearts will be mended while others would be broken.
It's beautiful to be a chosen one but being among the broken hearted or rejects isn't the worst that can come your way; it's resorting to self pity. It's painful especially when you've put in a lot but it's the time to release yourself from emotional and sentimental bondage, face inwards and confront yourself on the meaning of your relationship. Happy are those who find peace, joy and direction in rejection.
Happy Valentine's Day.
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Yes indeed the excitement is in the air and I can't help wondering if it's actually Valentine's or Christmas. Anyway both seasons are seasons of love. For the rejects, hmmmm, they can only hope and pray that tomorrow would be a better day and the sun shines on them. Happy Val's day in advance bro.
You just got tagged on my blog.
Beautifully written, .. Don't we all love all these man made holidays that force us to create wealth for companies.....
Hey GB no fair....hahaha
Anyways..I will be a Valentine..but my heart will still be broken. First of all, I wont have my love with me on Vday. We would have to make our day special on another day. Hmmm, which may make it more special..our own day. Love is in the air and everyone wants to be a part of it.
Come on Geebee, it's Valentine's Day!
@Femi B
You're right girl. We all love it.
Come off it Oyin! How can you be so sure that your heart will still be broken? You will only miss him.
Hey it breaks my heart to see other people so happy and enjoying a day that I should also be enjoying....
but thats all good, my (our) day will come soon. Hope to meet you then...haha
Well people can enjoy thierselves either way..Reject or not..Though it might hurt...
How sad @ Oyin but thats life 4 u..Dont worry u will enjoy it some day and very soon
Wow, nice post! Happy Vday to you!! :)
Keep that heart in one piece, Oyin. Create your own happiness and build it around that day your moment will come.
You're absolutely right my dear.
Thanks girl. Hope you had a lovely Val's day
Keep that heart in one piece, Oyin. Create your own happiness and build it around that day your moment will come.
You're absolutely right my dear.
Thanks girl. Hope you had a lovely Val's day
Im glad that I had a wondeful day, lovely piece of writing, how was your day#/
Did I just Hear /Read you use style to call me a baboon......??
I kid i kid
But is it wrong to take the elevator going 2 flights??..maybe i wanted to get their quicker now. I am not lazy oh..lol
Thank you so much for being at my blog and left a note.
This is a lovely writing.
Was your Vday good?
Finding peace/joy in the face of rejection is not easy @ all, but it's doable. And I thank God 4 every rejection and broken heart I have suffered.
Oh boy, to be tagged a valentine reject...food for thot for me...I wonder what makes a valentine reject.
Nice post
thanks sweets...your the best!!
I'm glad you had a wonderful Val's Day.
@Femi B
How i go call my Femi baboon, i dey craze? No mind dem joo. You no dey lazy.
@The Seeker
Thanks for stopping by. Mine was good and yours?
@Vera Ezimora
I've sure missed you sweetie! You're right it's hard but doable. Hope you had a good one this year?
For you to wonder what makes one a Valentine reject shows that you've never experienced it. I will never wish it for you.
Don't get me swollen headed Oyin. I've been on location. Sure yours was exciting?
omo oba, na waaa ohh
"Happy are those who find peace, joy and direction in rejection."
Love is something that needs to be expressed every given moment and not only on special holidays. Every1 knows the strength of their relationship, so u will be the best person to answer it right; "the flower that was given to you or dinner u had together, was it out of the deepest part of the heart, or is it just for u to get of his/her back saying, oh he/she never gave me flower or took me out". My brother has 3 ladies and that day, he starts in d morning visiting every1 of them, give roses, and takes each one out the same day at 3 different restaurants and papmer them, which one of them will claim sincere love? Ladies be smart, these guys r smarter and pls be happy but don't brag ONLY if you're 100% sure!!!
I think its a mind thing.yes, I see it as what your state of mind is, when you channel your mind that valentine is only boy friend and girl friend thing,then you have between heartbreak and heart-mending as the two faces of love.its very dangerous cos you don't have to make a choice. So let us not limit our definition of valentine.
This is beautiful love! Everyday is valentine's day for me :) Loving myself daily makes it easier for others to love me! Muah, thanks for that
wow i believe this is just a good write up men!
Emeka another wonderful write-up! @Femi B, I couldn't agree more... Valentine's Day celebration is a steady way to guarantee revenue for Corporations...another corporate brain wash strategy!
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