Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Real Man

Providing a concise answer to my earlier question of what makes a real man is a big quest but one that is badly needed. Men have always defined their manhood by their roles; the function they perform for their families and society. But the fundamental nature, the essence of man can only be perceived from three perspectives- priority, position and assignment.

Man was not created first because he is better but because of his purpose. God wanted him to manifest his nature and to be responsible for all that he created and asked to take care of. Man came directly from the earth because he was designed to be a solid and dependable foundation of human family.

The man was not only designed to be the foundation but also the first to be positioned on earth and of course in the garden- a place of heaven on earth, a place of God’s continued presence and a place of training. A phenomenon God wanted him to replicate or spread all over the world.

And lastly, his assignment. The man is supposed to be a visionary and a leader, teacher, cultivator, provider and protector.

He is not supposed to look up to status and personal achievement as the measure of manhood but rather to look up to God’s standard.

To be a real man is to discover, understand and fulfil these basic aspects of purpose.


Buttercup said...

I agree..

Anonymous said...

Very interesting Definition!

Emeka Amakeze said...

Thank you!

I appreciate.

Darius T. Williams said...

I can dig it!

Original Mgbeke said...

Very nice one. Make I forward to all the men I

Emeka Amakeze said...

@ Darius T
I feel you bro. Thanks.

@ Original Mgbeke
I love this name, Nne! Thanks for stopping by. Let them see the light.

ShonaVixen said...

I totally agree with you on this one!!

Nwa Chi said...

First of all, I love your blog and what you write about. I am so excited to be reading all these.

Secondly, I agree with you about the Real Man. Society, life and pressures appear to define what man is but the real standard is vs God. This I have learnt from your post.

Thirdly, thanks for dropping by my blog. I hope we can keep learning from each other.

Emeka Amakeze said...

Thanks, i'm honoured.

@Nwa Chi
It's a pleasure having you on my turf. Of course, we will keep learning from each other cos a man who is tired of learning is tired of life.

Aphrodite said...


Egoh Salem said...

To be a man is to be able to discover your true self and take responsibility of you situation.
To be a man is to be able to srife when all other are giving up in life.
To be a man is to be a man. And to be a man is not a day's job.

dScR?Be said...

u be Onitsha boi? nyce 2 know.. bless

Jennifer A. said...

"Man was not created first because he is better but because of his purpose..."

I like!

Emeka Amakeze said...

Thanks for stopping by and for your comment.

I agree with you. It's a gradual process of self appraisal and actualization.

Yeah! I represent Onitsha. Thanks for stopping by.

Lets actualise our purpose.

Peter nonso okafor said...

This is more like it! I'm glad i came here. And congratulations for being the first on my blog. You have a wonderful blog here and most inspiring write ups. Keep it up. I totally agree with what you said about being a man.

Ilochi Olisaemeka said...

I'm not surprised you came out with this and i sure agree with your position. Being a man is more than what the society has imposed on us.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm! deep stuff.

For the love of me said...

When I first started reading the post, my feminist horn stood up, but it went down. Nicely said. I agree with thee.
I'm very impressed with men that seem to have a heart for God and his purpose.

Vera Ezimora said...

Preach on, Emeka!!

Egoh Salem said...

nice words, i was lost in your words

Emeka Amakeze said...

@Nonso Okafor
Thanks. I'm glad you found my blog inspiringand once again, welcome to blogville.

@Ilochi Olisaemeka
I'm honoured. Thanks for stopping by.

Hmmmmm! We shall see the light and it wouldn't be deep to be a man.

@For The Love Of Me
I sure am glad those horns came down!

@Vera Ezimora
...Until we begin to understand!

What can i say Salem? Coming from you, i'm humbled. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Emeka you are a very funny chap.i saw you inluded me in the play script you just wrote.It's nice anyway.I enjoy visiting your blog.
it's been a long time you've come to
Hope to see you again.
Biodun Kasumu


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