Friday, February 4, 2011

How We Voted

We had no choice but to believe their promises
To build bridges even where rivers don't exist
Largely because our votes never really counted

They wailed their opponents won by cheating
We watched them threaten to go to court
But we thugged and carried ballot boxes for them

We needed the money because we were hungry
They wanted the ballot boxes to plunder
And when nothing comes our way we wonder

They told us to trust and follow them; we did
From one political party and camp to another
Necking with those we had fought because of them

Quick to tell us billions have been ear-marked
We're not meant to know how it's pocket-marked
But we've learnt to believe when we eye-mark

Register now to vote

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Still Writing

Writing has always been more than a hobby for me. It's more like a way of life and i really love it. My blog family members would be wondering where i've been without updating for a long while now. I know i've always been here in spirit but making out the time to put things down seems elusive.

However, i've not missed the joy of writing because i never stopped. I've missed blogging but then, painting pictures with words that translate to movies took my time and i let myself go with the flow. I've been doing a whole lot of screenplays these days and i really feel cool about it. Contributing to the growth of Nollywood.

A writer will always be a writer. And when you belong to a big family that writes, you will always return no matter how far you go. Blogsville has that pull and attraction that beckons even when you think you are far gone.

I'll soon tell you my stories but rest assured that i'm still writing and i'm still a part of this wonderfu family.


One interesting stage in marriage is when the kids begin to arrive. The usual unending love and sultry texts and chats are gradually replace...